How do the feel in decorating a bedroom with Vintage touches retreat in haft day

Simway furniture industry   10 th  Nov. 2023 

I can give you some tips to create a cozy as quickly as possible:

Choose an open area and place a comfortable chair or sofa.  Make sure this corner is farthest from noise and distractions. We can  place a special DIY petals light behind to a chair.

How do the feel in decorating a bedroom with Vintage touches retreat in haft day

I chose milk cotton for the petals (crepe paper, organza can also be used)

️ Twelve petals are needed for each of the three different sizes

Fixed wire for easy adjustment of petal curva

️ Thread the light cable into the aluminum-plastic tube

It should be noted that: there are lamp heads and plugs at both ends of the lamp wire, which can not be directly penetrated into the area.                 It is necessary to cut off the lamp wire and connect it again after passing through the aluminum-plastic pipe

️ Petals from small to large are fixed to the lamp holder with paper

️ For better appearance, the aluminum-plastic tube can be wrapped with corrugated paper

It's beautiful with the lights on or off and it looks great in pictures

How do the feel in decorating a bedroom with Vintage touches retreat in haft day3
How do the feel in decorating a bedroom with Vintage touches retreat in haft day2
How do the feel in decorating a bedroom with Vintage touches with simway lounge chair


The another secret to making your bedroom more comfortable and welcoming is:

Put down a soft carpet and turn on the night light

And a comfortable recliner

The best part of every day is probably

After taking a shower at night, I lay down in a penguin rocking chair and slowly sway

Body embedded in soft cushion

I also like to sit cross-legged with my shoulders and waist held up

The whole person immediately relaxed

Put on your favorite music

Blowing the evening with a cool wind

How do the feel in decorating a bedroom with Vintage touches retreat in haft day





Post time: Nov-07-2023